The following are samples that you may use as templates as you put together your Visiting Team Report, plus a worksheet and a report sheet. NOTE: The samples are included only as examples of what a finished product can look like. IF you choose to use that as your base document, be very certain to change all names, locations, and data to suit your current situation.
Indicators of Success Worksheet
Visiting Team Report
The sample VTR to the RIGHT used the PILOT version of EBA. Use it only as a sample of what the final VTR CAN look like.
The documents below are the BLANK individual STANDARDS which are to be completed by the assigned team member and adjusted and ratified by the entire visiting team. These will be compiled by the team captain and become the major part of the Visiting Team Report.
Exit Report
other Documents
Team Checklist
Face Sheet (fillable form)
School Action Plan
School Shepherd
Classroom Evaluation Tool
Blank Template - Team Visit Schedule
Sample School Timeline
Sample Team Visit Schedule